Monday, September 9, 2013

Awkward to the HIGHEST LEVEL

Many of us had a stage in life where we really liked weird. Big cheeks. Sweaty hair. Flabby arms. You name it! BLAH! I have shivers every time I think of my awkward years, but let's think about this for a moment. Are these years really that important? Did this time help me to become who I am today? Well, of course it is important and yes, it did help you become who you are! Never be ashamed of your past and if you are, then let me tell you a little story about little JP.


That's what I was called. In my opinion, everything about me in this picture is just really awkward. I was a lot fatter here, and I had those round eye glasses which made me look like a fat Harry. When I was younger, I didn't think much of it. I thought how I looked before was pretty ok. I even thought I was cool! -.- This was way back when I was still 9-10 years old. I never realized back then how weird I looked, and how chubby I was. Honestly, I'm just glad that I'm past that stage of my life. Still, I'm really thankful to God that He gave me a chance to be Mr. Fat Harry. He gave me a chance to be that person when I was younger, because I really think that if I was different back then, I wouldn't be who I am now. Through that stage of my life, I learn that best is really yet to come and tomorrow would be better than yesterday. :)

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